Find The Perfect Match For Your NRI Son

While the reason why everyone falls in love is different and remains mysterious at times, the reason why we remain in love is even less elusive. There might be no such thing as a partner who is perfect, but it is possible to get an ideal NRI partner with someone who developed themselves in a particular way which goes beyond success, looks, and charms.

Although everyone seeks out a certain set of qualities which are unique to a particular individual, there are certain qualities that when you are looking a perfect match for your son, he and the partner need to strive in order to make the relationship to last for long.

1. Ideal Partner has grown up.

Most people when they are looking for a perfect match, they want someone who is grown up. You need to understand that, growing up doesn’t only have to be in age. To be truly grown up, the partner needs to be able to recognize and resolve early childhood losses and traumas, and then go ahead and be able to understand events which are influencing their current behaviors.

So the perfect match for your son needs to be willing to reflect on her past. They should possess a maturity which emanates from being emancipated emotionally from the origin of their family. They should have developed a strong sense of autonomy and independence, having been able to make the psychological shift from a girl to a woman. They should have broken ties with old patterns and identities, be readily available for your son matrimony and the new family which they are going to create, as opposed to the one where she was born.

Due to the fact that the perfect match is grown up, it is less likely that they will want to re-enact experiences in their childhood in their current intimate relationship. And because as a person they have evolved, they are not going to look for someone who is going to compensate for weaknesses and shortcomings. They are not going to look for someone to complete their incompleteness. Rather, the perfect match will be looking for someone who is like themselves – your son. They want to bond with another adult who has similar qualities as they have, with whom they will be able to share life in a fashion that is compatible.

2. The partner needs to be non-defensive and open

The partner for your son needs to be undefended and open, and at the same time, willing to be vulnerable. This will make them be approachable and receptive when it comes to feedback without being overly sensitive concerning any topic. When they are open, it enables them to be straightforward when it comes to being able to express their feelings, dreams, thoughts, and desires. It includes an interest in sexual and personal development.

3. The partner needs to be living with integrity and should be honest

Honesty in a close relationship is very important as it builds trust between people. In the presence of dishonesty, the other person will be confused, destroying their sense of reality and trust. Deception and dishonesty have a more destructive impact on a close relationship than anything else.

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